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Health & Fitness

It is said that health is the real wealth. If you are not fit and healthy, luxuries and other worldly assets are worthless. In old times, astrology and medical science i.e. Ayurveda were completely entangled with each other. Ancient seers knew the role of starts in one’s overall wellbeing. Many times medicines and therapies don’t work just due to the impediment nature of illness caused by heavenly bodies. Thus, it is crucial to let astrological wisdom work for your amelioration.

If you are facing the issues related to your health and fitness, it is always suggested to take precautionary measures as soon as possible. Our comprehensive health report would tell you what is causing the problem and what astrological measures should be taken into consideration to get out of jinx of the bad health’s rut.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100


Education is foundation stone of one’s life. It is one of those crucial factors that shape the entire course of life. The quality of education has the power to make or break a person. Education is not just confined to the years of school and college, but it pertains to the life ahead. One’s whole personality and character depends heavily on the education he/she got. Right education not only teaches the specialized skills to earn bread and butter, but it also infuses the prowess of creativity, lifelong learning and ability to cope with potholes that come across in one’s path to success and prosperity.

Divine wisdom of astrology can prove to be of much help when it comes to the queries related to education. Our astute and experienced astrologers can let you know whether one will study further, or if one has the capacity to clear various competitive entrance exams or not, or what stream one should chose in order to succeed etc. If you are facing problems related to education, what should be done in order to get out of these difficulties and excel academically?

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

Marriage and Love Analysis

It is said that marriages are made in heaven. But are you sure that the one you want to spend your life with or already spending your life with is the special one made for you? It is in your hands to find out whether he or she is the one destined for you i.e. whether you are choosing Mr. Right or Ms. Right for yourself or not. If you choose the right partner, life seems to be a cakewalk. But if your selection is wrong, it can even shatter the charm and the zest of life.

Astrology can help you in taking the right decision. It can tell you if you are compatible with a person, whether you should embark the life journey with that person or not and what future holds for two of you as a couple. And in case you are already married and facing problems in your marital life, what you should do in order to get out of the hot waters.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

Career / Job

A good and fulfilling career is essential for overall success in life. Our expert astrologers, in this comprehensive report, will tell you what career you should go for, what are your prospects in different areas, and in case you are already employed, what you should do for the betterment of your career and what kind of goals you should plan etc.

Along with these things, we will also analyze the course of your career in future and let you know about the possible potholes that can hamper your advancement in your job or business, and also suggest you effective astrological remedies to overcome these problems.  This details report will consist of in-depth astrological analysis and remedial suggestions of every aspect of your business or job. This report would prove to be a detailed guide of your career for the year ahead. Let ancient astrological wisdom help you flourish your career and get the comprehensive career report by our expert astrologers.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100


In today’s competitive world, a strong financial position is not just a luxury but a necessity in order to survive and keep growing. Financial security is a must not only for the well-being of an individual, but also for those who are related to him/her like one’s spouse, children and entire family. Financial crises not only hamper the prospects of growth, but also cramp the mental peace, happiness and stability. John F Kennedy once famously said, “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis’. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger-but

recognize the opportunity.” And it is so true. Divine astrological wisdom gives you the opportunity to pinpoint and analyze the cause of financial problems, and it also suggests remedial measures required to be taken in order to get out of hot waters. Astrology is the science that not only advices the amelioration of some financial ailment, but you can also benefit from knowledge for the betterment of your already good financial position. If you have any finance related query, let the ancient astrological wisdom help you and get the comprehensive financial report from our expert astrologers.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

Detailed 1 Question

Questions are essential for evolution of mankind”, said Aristotle famously. Questions are not only crucial for human evolution, but they are important for the development of individuals too. If one has a problem or deep confusion lurking somewhere in one’s mind, it hinders all the prospects of growth for him/her. Are you worried about anything in particular? Do you feel the fear of the things going to take place in some specific matter?  Astrology is the divine science that can let you know what destiny holds for you. It can erase your doubts and fears, and answer your queries about career, marriage, money and life as a whole et cetera. It is the key to get rid of worrisome questions

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

Gemstones & Remedies

Astrology is considered so effective because it not only pinpoints the problem, but also nails it down by suggesting the practical remedies to heal the troubles. If one seriously follows these remedial measures as per astrological wisdom, he/she can eradicate adverse consequence caused by heavenly bodies and get out of tough times quite easily. Gemstones are reckoned to be very important astrologically, because they have the capacity to conjure up the immense amount of cosmic energy that, if directed properly, can ameliorate all your problems and gives you powerful boost in every dimension of life. But if mishandled, this cosmic energy can adversely affect you. Therefore, if you want astrological remedies and gemstones to benefit you in matters related to finance, love, marriage, career and education etc, our astute astrologers can suggest you what remedial measure you should take, how to perform these remedies properly, what gemstone to put on, and how to get most of it etc.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

Life Reading

Life is a mystery consisting many ups and downs, great moments and potholes that shuns the progress. If one understands it profoundly and is prepared thoroughly for circumstances going to come in the life, one can not only avert to get into the hot water, but also can achieve goals and prosperity that give the sense of fulfillment. Ancient wisdom of astrology is the talisman given by the seers that serves as a key to unlock the doors of enigmatic string of events called life. Get in-depth analysis of your Horoscope by our astute and experienced astrologers, which will give you a clear comprehension of life coming ahead and practical remedies to get rid of barriers that resists unbound happiness and success to flow through your endeavors and personality.

US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

One Year Analysis – Annual Horoscope

Future is a mystery and astrology is the key to unravel it. Our comprehensive yearly report by astute astrologers will guide you through the enigmatic future, and you’ll get the insight into your life and how it is going to take shape in the year ahead. Our special focus would be on your career, finance, health, family, love and marriage. You will get detailed analysis based on these points and we would suggest you effective and agile astro-scientific remedies to overcome the hindrances that may prevent the growth in any of these dimensions.  Next twelve moths can prove to be the most important time of your life that would lead you on the path of success and prosperity, only if you let the ancient scientific wisdom of astrology guide and help you. This comprehensive yearly report will be prepared by our experienced and expert astrologers after profoundly analyzing your horoscope. If you want to see the next twelve months as the turning point in your life, order “One Year Analysis” report now.
US $31 /INR Rs. 2100

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